Some interesting blog topicsMarch 5, 2023 · One min readJiakai GuNanjing Xiaozhuang College Class of 2023infoShare some blog topics that I personally find interesting.1. v2ex博客又想换主题了,求各位大佬推荐极简风的,花里胡哨的眼睛难受。为什么老外的博客/网站很多都是 txt 风格的?2022 年了,从零写一个还算好看的静态博客只需要 10 分钟类似于 hexo,hugo,atro 这种静态博客有没有在线编辑器?2. HackNewsAsk HN: What has your personal website/blog done for you?3. The restWhat is the point of writing a blog?